Ps: Désolée pour les photos nocturnes avec l'heure d'hiver et l'école, il m'est difficile d'en faire en journée.
Today I was wearing my new orange and purple shoes. I'm def in love with them. I'm not that much into orange, but I'm starting to like it, like iiiiiiit *Rihanna's voice*. A new week is starting and I'm in a very positive mood! :)
I hope that you too...if not, then I send you all my energy and good vibes! Spread love my babes!
Ps: Sorry for the pictures in the dark, with the winter time and my school schedule, it's hard to make some in the daylight.
What I'm wearing: H&M Black Blazer Jacket and Tights, Zara Denim Shirt, Addicted Orange Sweater, Levis Vintage Shorts, J.C Dossier Wedges, MiuMiu Bag, Jean-Charles De Castelbajac Necklace, Golden Nail Ring and Bracelets bougt in Soho, Rings H&M
Salut PLuplu !
RépondreSupprimerPourquoi tu fais tes photos la nuit ?
gros bisous
You look great in Orange. I love the outfit!
RépondreSupprimer7eventh Letter
loving it!