En tant que grande fan de Yelle. Je me devais de partager avec vous son nouveau clip que je trouve parfaitement rose et réussi. En attendant d'aller la voir sur scène dans 14 jours, je calme mon appétit en regardant ce joli clip qu'elle nous a offert pile poil au bon moment. J'aime la nouvelle Yelle; plus subtile, plus charismatique, mais toujours autant artistique.
As a huge fan of Yelle. I find it necessary to share her new video, which I think is perfectly pink and well-made. Waiting to go and see her on stage in 14 days, I can calm down my appetite watching this so nice video she released at the perfect moment. I love the new Yelle; more subtle, more charismatic but still artisic.
Brown Sugar
Mon look du jour est majoritairement marron, il rappelle ma couleur de peau ^^. J'ai passé une journée fort agréable et riche en fous rires, en compagnie de mes soeurs. C'est toujours comme ça que cela se passe lorsque nous sommes réunies. Famille est synonyme d'amour. Assurez-vous de ne jamais l'oublier quoiqu'il arrive. Je vous souaite amour et réussite! ;)
Today was a brownish outfit for a brown skin girl ^^. I spend a very lovely day with my sisters today, laughing a lot, like I always do when I'm surrounded by them. Family is love, make sure guys to never forget it, no matter what happens. I wish you love and success! ;)
Today was a brownish outfit for a brown skin girl ^^. I spend a very lovely day with my sisters today, laughing a lot, like I always do when I'm surrounded by them. Family is love, make sure guys to never forget it, no matter what happens. I wish you love and success! ;)
What I'm wearing: H&M Sweater, Manigance Leather Pants, Môa Bag, Moon Brown Studded Low Boots, H&M Necklace and Bracelet
When Burgundy meets Leopard
What I'm wearing: Vintage Burgundy Top, H&M Tights, Guess Leopard Bag, Forever 21 Shoes, NewLook Leopard Turban
Dark Angel
Vous l'avez probablement repérée en boutique. J'ai acheté cette incroyable robe pour la modique somme de 9,99euros chez H&M!!! Je l'adore! Tout d'abord, comme vous le savez maintenant le black et le velours me font craquer. Mais plus que tout, je crois aux anges qui nous entourent et nous protègent, et cette petite robe noire me rappelle l'image d'un ange aux ailes déployées. Justement, j'adore l'effet transparent qu'ont les "ailes" de cette robe. Bon dimanche mes amours!
You probably saw it in shops guys! I bought this amazing black dress for only 9,99 at H&M!!! I love it so much! First of all, I'm really into black as you know now, and into velvet . But above all, I believe in angels that I think are protecting us. And this pretty little black dress reminds me of an angel with wide wings. By the way, I love the see-through effect of the "wings". Have a nice sunday my loves!
You probably saw it in shops guys! I bought this amazing black dress for only 9,99 at H&M!!! I love it so much! First of all, I'm really into black as you know now, and into velvet . But above all, I believe in angels that I think are protecting us. And this pretty little black dress reminds me of an angel with wide wings. By the way, I love the see-through effect of the "wings". Have a nice sunday my loves!
What I'm wearing: H&M Black Faux Velvet Dress and Burgundy Tights, Minelli Heels, Asos Bow Headband
Noël approche à grands pas. Il y a tellement de cadeaux que j'aimerais recevoir, mais je n'en ai mis que quelques uns sur ma liste afin que cette dernière ne soit pas trop longue. Une fois de plus, en fonction des accessoires que j'ai choisi, vous pourrez constater ma réelle addiction pour le cuir et pour la couleur noire. Je suis également une grande fan de compensées. J'espère que vous recevrez les cadeaux dont vous rêvez, mais nous le savons; les meilleurs cadeaux de Noël du monde restent l'amour et la famille. D'ailleurs je vous envoie tout mon amour!
We are not far from Christmas now. I do really want a lot of things to receive as gifts, but I just put few of them so that my wishlist is not too long . One more time, according to the items I would like to have, you can notice I'm definitely a black color and leather girl. Wedges also belong to my heart. Hope you will receive Christmas gifts that you are dreaming of. But we all know that best Christmas gifts ever are love and family. By the way I send you all my love!
We are not far from Christmas now. I do really want a lot of things to receive as gifts, but I just put few of them so that my wishlist is not too long . One more time, according to the items I would like to have, you can notice I'm definitely a black color and leather girl. Wedges also belong to my heart. Hope you will receive Christmas gifts that you are dreaming of. But we all know that best Christmas gifts ever are love and family. By the way I send you all my love!
Black Friday
Les filles, c'est Black Friday aujourd'hui et il y a -25% chez Nasty Gal et encore plus de soldes chez Solestruck.Celà ne dure qu'un jour! Profitez-en pour dénicher quelques paires de notre cher aimé Jeffrey Campbell ;)
Girls, today is Black Friday and there is -25% off at Nasty Gal and more sales on Solestruck only today! It's the best occasion to get some new items from our dear love Jeffrey Campbell ;)
Girls, today is Black Friday and there is -25% off at Nasty Gal and more sales on Solestruck only today! It's the best occasion to get some new items from our dear love Jeffrey Campbell ;)
Je te plumerai la tête
Bonjour mes oisillons tout plein de plumes! J'espère que vous avez passé un agréable vendredi! Je vous présente une de mes créations. J'ai crée cette combinaison noire aux épaulettes à plumes bleues l'année dernière pour l'un de mes vidéoclip. Cette création m'a été inspiré de cette sensation de liberté que j'ai, chaque fois que je vois un oiseau voler librement dans le ciel bleu. J'ai également été inspiré par les vestes et uniformes d'officiers. Je vous souhaite un bon week-end!
Hey my little birds full of feathers! Hope you had a good Black Friday! Let me introduce you with one of my creations. I designed this Black and Blue Feathers Shoulders jumpsuit one year ago for one of my video. I was inspired by birds and this feeling of freedom I have looking at them flying in the blue sky, and I was also inspired by the officer jackets and uniforms. Have a nice weekend! Love
Hey my little birds full of feathers! Hope you had a good Black Friday! Let me introduce you with one of my creations. I designed this Black and Blue Feathers Shoulders jumpsuit one year ago for one of my video. I was inspired by birds and this feeling of freedom I have looking at them flying in the blue sky, and I was also inspired by the officer jackets and uniforms. Have a nice weekend! Love
What I'm wearing: DIY Black and Blue Jumpsuit, Cheap Monday Black Wedges, H&M Black Bracelets, Ethnic Belt (worn as a headband)
Black silk
Coucou. Je viens juste de transformer mon jeans Armani en short. Je pense l'avoir coupé un poil trop court...mais qu'importe. J'ai essayé de le mettre en valeur avec une de mes chemises noires préférées. Je vous envoie tout mon amour <3
Hi. I just cut my Armani jeans into shorts. I think I maybe cut it a little bit too short...but anyway. I've tried to make it rock with one of my fav black shirts. Send you all my love <3
Hi. I just cut my Armani jeans into shorts. I think I maybe cut it a little bit too short...but anyway. I've tried to make it rock with one of my fav black shirts. Send you all my love <3
What I'm wearing: Cacharel Black Silk Shirt, DIY Armani Shorts, Vintage Turban, Jeffrey Campbell Litas, H&M Black Socks, Casio Watch
Mon p'tit python
Je viens d'acheter ce tout nouveau sac façon python et je crois que je l'adore. Qu'en pensez vous? Hein?
I just bought this new faux python bag and I kinda like it. What do you snake about it??? Uh?
Fleur bleue
Coucou vous! J'espère que vous avez passé une bonne journée. La terre est bleue comme une orange, et Plurielle aussi. ;) Love you!
Hey you! Hope you have had a good day. The earth is blue like an orange, and Plurielle too. ;) Love you!
Hey you! Hope you have had a good day. The earth is blue like an orange, and Plurielle too. ;) Love you!
What I'm wearing: H&M Blue Suede Jacket, Mim Black Mini Top, Addicted Chains Shorts, Zara Clutch, H&M High Black Boots and Ring, Vintage Turban
Automne emporte le vent
Bonjour mes amours! I see your tree colors everywhere. Je crois que tout le monde aime l'automne et ses couleurs, celles de ses feuilles, de ses arbres. L'automne m'a inpirré ce gentil petit look dans lequel je me suis senti agréablement bien.
Hey my loves! I see you tree colors everywhere. I guess we all love autumn and it colors of leaves and trees. It inspired me this little look I felt very confortable in.
What I'm wearing: NewLook Orange Sweater, Asos Kaki Shorts, H&M Tights, Marie Shoes, Forever 21 Hat, Minelli Bag
Red dingue de Versace
Hey mes bébés!!! Voici la robe et le collier de la collection Donatella Versace x H&M que j'ai acheté. J'ai l'impression d'être une super héroïne revêtant cette super robe-cape rouge et très chic. L'aimez-vous? Xoxo
Hey my babes!!!! Here are the dress and necklace I bought from the Donatella Versace x H&M collection. I feel like I'm a superwoman wearing this very chic red-cape-dress. Do you like it? Xoxo
Hey my babes!!!! Here are the dress and necklace I bought from the Donatella Versace x H&M collection. I feel like I'm a superwoman wearing this very chic red-cape-dress. Do you like it? Xoxo
What I'm wearing: Versace x H&M Red Dress and Golden Chain Necklace
La vie en couleur
Bonjour à tous! Quelle journée excitante. J'ai acheté mes articles préférés de la collection Versace x H&M, et je suis super excitée à l'idée de les porter. Je n'ai acheté que 2 pièces, car mon budget ne me permettait pas plus, mais je n'en reste pas moins satisfaite. Si vous avez vous aussi acheté quelques pièces de cette collection, j'espère voir ce que vous avez choisi. Vous me verrez portez ma robe rouge et mon collier lion incessamment sous peu, probablement au prochain article. Je vous souhaite une bienheureuse journée!
Hey guys! What a very exciting day! I bought my fav stuffs from the Versace and H&M collection, and I'm really excited about wearing them. I just bought 2 items because of my budget. But I'm still happy. Hope to see what you get from the collection , if you get some. You will see me wearing my red dress and my lion necklace very soon, maybe on the next post. Have a blessed day !
Hey guys! What a very exciting day! I bought my fav stuffs from the Versace and H&M collection, and I'm really excited about wearing them. I just bought 2 items because of my budget. But I'm still happy. Hope to see what you get from the collection , if you get some. You will see me wearing my red dress and my lion necklace very soon, maybe on the next post. Have a blessed day !
What I'm wearing: Jean-Charles De Castelbajac Feather Sweater, Eureka Leather Shorts, Isabel Marant Sneakers, H&M Rings
Preppy Woman
Coucou mes amours! Aujourd'hui j'ai décidé d'adopter un look plutôt sage, parce que c'est nécessaire parfois. Je vais essayer de vous montrer un peu plus de fantaisie dans mes prochains articles, et particulièrement avec les pièces de la collection Versace x H&M que j'ai récemment acquis. J'espère que cela vous plaira! Avec tout mon amour! <3
Hello my loves! Today I decided to adopt a "not that crazy" look because sometimes it's good. I will try to show you more fancy with my next posts and especially with the items I bought from Versace x H&M collection. I hope you'll like it guys! I send you all my love! <3
Hello my loves! Today I decided to adopt a "not that crazy" look because sometimes it's good. I will try to show you more fancy with my next posts and especially with the items I bought from Versace x H&M collection. I hope you'll like it guys! I send you all my love! <3
What I'm wearing: H&M Sweater, Vintage Claudine Dress, Henry Ferrera Shoes, Forever 21 Belt
Pied de poule
Aujourd'hui fut une énième journée noire et blanche. Je crois que je suis vraiment fan de cette alliance de couleur, car j'adore vraiment m'habiller de noir et blanc. Comme vous le savez probablement, le noir est ma couleur préférée.
Je remercie ma collègue de classe Maria ( dont le blog va bientôt voir le jour ^^ ) pour avoir réalisé mes photos du jour! Je l'aime!
Today was another black and white day. I think I'm really fond of this black and white combination, because I so so love wearing myself in black and white. As you may probably know now, black is my favorite color.
I have to thank my lovely classmate Maria ( who's gonna open her blog soon ...^^) for having taken those pictures for me today! Love her!
Je remercie ma collègue de classe Maria ( dont le blog va bientôt voir le jour ^^ ) pour avoir réalisé mes photos du jour! Je l'aime!
Today was another black and white day. I think I'm really fond of this black and white combination, because I so so love wearing myself in black and white. As you may probably know now, black is my favorite color.
I have to thank my lovely classmate Maria ( who's gonna open her blog soon ...^^) for having taken those pictures for me today! Love her!
What I'm wearing: Jean-Charles De Castelbajac Sweater, H&M Pied-de-Poule Shorts, Addicted Creepers, MiuMiu Bag, H&M Bracelet and rings.
I love Ralph Lauren
What I'm wearing : Ralph Lauren Dress, Soho Feathers Earring, André Suede Camel Boots, Forever 21 Belt
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